Flecknoe Pty Ltd
22 Kembla Way Willetton
Western Australia 6155
Tel: +61 8 9354 9393

CAD CAM Software
Flecknoe is a distributor, service and training agent for KeyCreator, NCG CAM, and CIMCO Integration software. Flecknoe has 20 years experience with Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing.
Router Tooling
Flecknoe is an Australasian distrubutor of Onsrud router bits supplying more than 1,000 line items to ensure that you have the best cutter solution available for your routing applications.
CNC Routers
Flecknoe has over 10 years experience in supplying and installing Thermwood 3 and 5 Axis CNC Routers throughout Australasia including New Zealand, Singapore, China, and Australia. Flecknoe has factory-trained specialists available to support any installation in any market.
Flecknoe's experience
Flecknoe have over 30 years experience manufacturing and distributing products and services for every stage of the thermoforming and vacuumforming production. Flecknoe Director Philip Kitney is a senior member of the Society of Plastics Engineers.
Customised, integrated technologies to improve your manufacturing processes
At Flecknoe, we don't just sell machines. We build long standing relationships with you to understand your business model completely. We work with you to develop your manufacturing processes. Our technological expertise and innovation will drive your business efficiency and productivity giving you a competitive advantage.

Flecknoe will design and build 3D manufacturing solutions to improve your efficiency and productivity

Flecknoe will design and build 3D manufacturing solutions to improve your efficiency and productivity
Thermoformers and Vacuumformers
Flecknoe, with technology partner Monark USA, is Australia's premier high-end manufacturer of cut-sheet thermoforming equipment, virtually 100% produced in Australia using agile, innovative Australian design concepts.